100 days in Lockdown
The experience of over three months living under restrictions
The past three and a bit months have flown over at some speed, whilst at the same time have stood still. This week saw the number of days in which the UK has been in lockdown tick into triple figures. It seems like a painfully long time since Prime Minister Boris Johnson first called on people to abide by lockdown rules which may have appeared strict to people of the UK, but not to some counterparts overseas in Europe and further afield.
It has been a strange time, and one which has perhaps given many people the opportunity to sit back and take stock of things. Our world in the 21st century seems to rush by, with little opportunity for us to reflect on our surroundings. Spending three months, and counting, with restrictions on what we can do with our lives has given us this opportunity.
During these months, a number of different events have taken place which can be used to suggest 2020 is one of the strangest on record. The pandemic lockdown has divided opinion, with the controversy of Boris Johnson’s advisor allegedly driving over 250 miles to Durham during a time when travel and mingling with others was prohibited. It threatened to destabilise the Conservative government, however they managed to muddle through.
The black lives matter movement also swelled during the lockdown, with many thousands of people gathering to protest the treatment of the BAME community by the authorities. This came weeks after VE Day, another day in which thousands gathered in big groups, albeit for very different reasons, and arguably undermined the lockdown restrictions. It made for difficult viewing for the majority of people who have followed the rulings.
The lockdown has been gradually lifted, with the significant decision of reopening pubs in England being taken this Saturday (4 July). However, it is still over 100 days of being unable to see loved ones and live a life that is normal. Most people have made sacrifices, some greater than others, but unfortunately the selfish nature of some has made sure they have continued to meet up in groups and visit family/ friends with no consideration for the repercussions. It has been hugely frustrating to see, but hopefully we who have used common sense will be rewarded soon enough. My sympathy goes to anyone who has been affected by the disease through a death or getting sick themselves, watching images of so many people flouting lockdown rules must have been so hard.
Many millions of us, including myself, have been on the furlough scheme. It has saved countless numbers of jobs whilst at the same time protecting companies hit hardest by the coronavirus pandemic. The urge to get back to work has never been greater, as I am sure is the case with the majority of others on furlough out there.
The world will be changed permanently now that this disease is active amongst us. Things may never return to a complete normal of pre- 2020, but the lockdown of this year has shown both the wonderful side of humanity as well as how selfish and ignorant some of us can be. This will never change, it has always been present within humans, and unfortunately it is the selfish people who may come off the best from this whole situation.
All that is left to do is to, once we can, live life to the fullest. See your friends, visit new places, and enjoy life to the fullest, because we have seen what a period in lockdown is like, and we never know what the future holds. It has been a chaotic year, but it feels as though the end of lockdown is getting closer.
If common sense prevails, which looking at some scenes in beaches, parks and street parties in the last few months seems unlikely, then we might just be alright.