We are no longer EU citizens, now it’s time for the hard part…
It is a time which to many would have probably felt would never arrive. The United Kingdom has left the European Union. Yet after the strange ‘blitz spirit’ which emanated from the many ‘Brexit parties’ across the country on Friday evening, the reality would, or should, have settled in. The hard part is still to come.
For the last how ever many months, the line from the Conservative Party and the leave campaign has been simple. Get Brexit done. Great, we have Brexited. The bunting was out and Vera Lynn’s ‘We’ll Meet Again’ was played in probably dozens of leisure centres across the UK. It felt like the UK had been victorious in some nostalgic war which many of the leave campaign probably wished they’d played a part in.
Anyway, moving away from the point non-intentionally, the actual substance of Brexit needs to be sorted out. Yes, we are no longer EU citizens. However, the UK still needs to get into place the post-EU structure and move away from the ‘shackles of the European Union’ which were weighing down on the nation’s infrastructure so much. It has been a long road since that referendum in 2016, and it feels as though the end is still a long way away.
Brexit has been an anchor weighing down on almost every aspect of life for the past three and a bit years. It has shown the British political system at its best, but more often, its worst. Most importantly, it has brought out the public in all its glory.
The Brexit ‘celebration’ in Parliament square on Friday evening gave the British media the chance to ask the questions to the leave voters who gathered. The main question being ‘why did you vote to leave the EU?’, a question which many who was asked it failed to answer. But hey it doesn’t matter; we are free to rule ourselves again so its all alright.
Many of the national papers on Saturday morning noticed that nothing had changed from the night before. In simple terms, it just will not change that quickly.
The transition period has begun for the first ever nation to leave the EU, time will tell as to how the Conservative government will deliver what the leave votership asked for in 2016. Will it be a brighter future for the UK? Or will our departure from the EU result in the UK falling flat on its face, getting shafted by a US trade deal and an economic hit? We shall soon see.
Celebrations in the UK have, thankfully, come and gone. The mess of the last few years has to some extent come to an end.
Unfortunately, the calls for a knighthood for Nigel Farage and comparisons between Boris Johnson and Winston Churchill will undoubtedly rattle on embarrassingly for months to come.
Brexit has divided the nation life nothing before it. Yet the official confirmation of the UK leaving the EU is just the first of many serious steps for the UK government to take in order to avoid the last three years blowing up in their face. Some would say it’s too late for that, but what do they know?
At least Donald Trump will give us lots of consideration when it comes to trade deals…